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About David

Artist-in-Residence and Professor David Ehrman joined the Piano Faculty of the Department of Music and Humanities at Liberty University in 1976.   Mr. Ehrman served as Keyboard Area Coordinator.  He holds the Bachelor of Music and the Master of Music in Piano Performance from the University of Cincinnati-Conservatory, and has pursued advanced studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He studied with Madame Karin Dayas (pupil of Carl Friedberg, pupil of Franz Liszt), Santo Ojeda, Herbert Newman, John Quincy Bass, Ivan Davis, John Meretta, and Andrew Willis.

Mr. Ehrman's principal duties at Liberty University involved private piano instruction and teaching piano pedagogy, and he also performed frequently.  He has given solo piano recitals at major universities, fine arts centers, and churches throughout the country. He was a finalist at the International Beethoven Competition in 1990 and 1999. He has performed all over the world in places like Manila, Hong Kong, and Cairo. Many of his students have successfully pursued graduate degrees and many have received teaching assistantships. At least eight of his former students currently hold faculty positions in college music departments. He is married to Lisa and they have three children.

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